Thursday, December 24, 2009

no time on the clock, no margin for error

So I had another good day today! It all began when I slept in until 11, who wouldn't love a day that starts that way? My dad came in to wake me up and tell me that he and Alan were going to head to Logan to see the new Avatar movie so of course I jumped up to get ready and head down with them. It was a pretty dang cool movie. My first legit 3-D in theaters and I was quite impressed with the experience. We got home from that just in time to help out a little in preparing the house for the family Christmas eve party. Always a blast, I love my family. We always do a white elephant/gift exchange and this year I ended up with a new toothbrush and some toothpaste woot woot!!! Big winner of the night if I do say so myself. After that we sat down and watched all the embarrassing home "music" videos all us cousins/kids have made, quality. I then quickly uploaded all the pictures and posted them on facebook. I added a few more photo's of my San Fran trip to that album, made a Christmas Eve party album and then was in a good mood so just went through some family pictures of the last year and put them up as well. Lots and lots of pictures!

So tomorrow is Christmas day and I am excited to wake up and hang out with my family for a few more hours until I have to head back to Provo to work, yes that is correct, I am working Christmas day. I will be in Provo by myself for the next couple of days and it will be a lonely few days, days that I am not looking forward to at all. They will just give me more time to think and reflect on my life which is both a blessing and a curse, who knows, maybe I will actually divulge on here one of these next nights some of the inner-workings of Bracken. Guess we will just need to wait and find out.

It is now that time of night were I will go lay in bed and slip slowly into madness thinking about life.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

~Bracken Rawlings

p.s. this is the first post where I clicked spell check at the end and nothing was spelled wrong or highlighted! Commence your applause.

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