Friday, December 25, 2009

I saw Waterworld in theaters.....twice.

Merry Christmas everybody!

So today has been a Christmas unlike any other for me because it is the first Christmas, aside from the two I spent on my mission, that I did not get to hang out with my family all day. Yes I had to drive on back to Provo to close up shop tonight. Yeah it sucked but what kept me happy was thinking about holiday pay! haha, oh yes! That's real motivation right there people. So since I have been writing each night for the past few nights I am running out of new intriguing stories to tell and really treating this blog like a journal. A journal that is free and open for discussion and comment, yes, I do invite any and all comments on my posts, if you are reading this then that means we are friends and I respect your opinion.

Let me begin with dropping you a list of gifts I received for Christmas, now this is purely off memory because I don't want to go in my room and go through my little box of goodies, so I am sure I might forget one or two things but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate them, just that I am tired and lazy!

- A trip to San Fransisco!
- A cute little red snowflake blanket, thanks mom!
- A Chargers mug and 2010 calendar.
- A few trinkets my Dad picked up in Chinatown and gave me.
- New video games, always appreciated, and not just on Christmas, feel free to give me some anytime!
- The Zombie Survival Guide. Within that book is contained the greatest knowledge any living man or woman will wish they knew when the Zombie apocalypse happens. I will be ready and you will wish you with me and my survivor group.
- Pizza making kit.
- Scattergories.
- A new toothbrush!!!

All in all I had a FANTASTIC Christmas this year, as usual. I am so blessed to be in a family full of wonderful people who love each other and love giving me a ton of gifts on Christmas, heck yes.

So I had to take off from Preston around 1 to make it to Provo in time to shower and get to work today. It was a real pleasant surprise to get to work and see a plate of cookies for me, thank you Sarah, a bag of Christmas goodies including the ever amazing strawberry peanut butter m&m's, thank you Megan, J-Hep wearing some heinous red guitar hero pajama pants, a plate of rocky road fudge to be shared, thank you Mindy and the knowledge that we were closing at 10 instead of midnight like a normal friday. So I guess I am saying coming to work on Christmas could have been a lot worse.

Along with it being a good Christmas day my mind has slowly began being at ease. I think I may have figured out what is going on and am hoping and praying that I am right. That's all for tonight on that reoccurring subject.

Well I picked up a few movies from work and feel like putting them in a just lounging around on my couch and not getting up until noon tomorrow. Peace out!

~Bracken Rawlings

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