Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This next time, I want two Dragons!

Hello to the the one or two other person that actually gets on and reads this besides my mom. Its been a long, fun and sadly at times boring past two weeks for me. But backing up even more it has been an awesome summer thus far and I predict that this trend will continue. I am having difficulties really remembering things I have done since I last wrote anything so I will just try and spit things out as I remember them.

First off, Go Dutch! Prior to the World Cup starting I had made it widely known that the who I was cheering for was as follows; #1 The United States of America! They are my home country and I will cheer for them forever. The home of the free and the brave! #2 The Dutch. Why you ask? Two reason originally but more and more since I have watched them play. The first two reasons were that my favorite player Van Persie plays for them and second because they have legit orange jerseys. The list has grown since the World Cup has begun and now that they are playing Spain in the Finals on Sunday I am way stoked. And the 3rd team I was cheering for was any African Nation. It would have been awesome to see an African nation win on home soil but European soccer is still to dominant for anyone to compete with.

Aside from spending more time than I should watching the World Cup I have been wasting time watching other shows as well because we have a DVR at my new place and I am taking full advantage of it. My list include Wipeout, Hell's Kitchen, So You Think You Can Dance, Tosh.0, Pawn Stars, Mythbusters, etc. So without going into much further explanation, I spend my time wisely. But so does Chelsey because she spends the same time with me watching the same awesome shows.

Which brings me to my next item, Chelsey. Enough said.

And don't you worry your little heads I have been keeping up on Zombies as well by buying the greatest board game ever. It is quite simply called Zombies!!! (yes with 3 exclamation points). If you EVER want to play it just holla atcha boy!

Ummm, OH! I have picked up reading again and read the first two books in the Hunger Games series. They are really fun books and real quick reads. I'm currently reading World War Z and it is way cool too.

~Side note: I just got a text from ESPN saying LeBron James will sign with the Miami Heat barring late charge. Uhhh D-Wade, Chris Bosh and the King all on one court. Yeah, that will be one heck of a team. Sadly for me Amar'e has left the Suns to play out in New York, YUCK! As long as we got Steve we still got a chance! Keep the dream alive.

Well folks I think that is all for me tonight. Just had to get on and spill a few of my thoughts onto this so I could fell like I am slightly keeping up on it. Night.

~Bracken Rawlings



  1. A zombie board game?? Do we even bother signing up for classes for fall semester?

  2. Enough said, eh?....hope that's a good thing...;)
