Monday, January 25, 2010

More Than Just A Game, let the king reign supreme!

Dear Diary,

HELLO HELLO!!! It has been an extremely wonderful weekend for me and myself. Sorry for all of you who didn't get to be a part of it but the next weekend is only 5 days away and the party never stops! So Friday night I had the night off so we rocked the night away for a few hours, why does Rock Band make my life so much better? Maybe because I am unnaturally good at every aspect, especially singing Tenacious D or the song Down With The Sickness. I am sorry for all of you who have not yet had the opportunity to listen to me lose my voice to those songs. It is quite a show every time. So Paige was coming down to hang out Friday night with me and a few other buddies at the Nickelcade but I forget that there is something called High School kids here in Provo and that they actually go out and do things on Friday, like take over the Nickelcade. That plan went up in smoke pretty quick so we just ended up going to the theater to support my man Denzel Washington. Post movie my tummy was a rumbling so we swung by work and snatched up J-Hep and Sarah and made the exodus to Denny's to partake of midnight feasting. I got their new Meat Lover's Trio and as delicious as it was my gut/intestines/etc. hated me about 2 hours later. I'll let your imagination fill in the rest with what I need. After we ate J-Hep and Sarah came over to watch some Arrested Development with me and the twins at my place, why is that show amazing regardless of how many times I have watched it? Which is probably in the ten times through range. So I finally went to bed around 3 in the morning, scratch that, probably a bit later because let's be honest, it was a friday night and I was just enjoying life and I didn't want that night to end. However alas, I did eventually fall asleep on the couch and woke up Saturday just in time to do my job for cleaning checks. I just need to say that cleaning checks here at the Elms are the biggest joke of a cleaning check ever. The kid basically walks in and we just chat with him for a minute about sports or whatever, just to entertain him and he checks everything off and leaves. Pretty sweet deal if I do say so myself. Well I just sat around for a little relaxing until I had to go into work. I was surprisingly looking forward to work that night, little odd but my job and co-workers rock so why wouldn't I be excited to head in to work. Ok, maybe every now and again I am not but that is only because I am not a fan of working with a certain individual who I apparently offend every time we work together, I find it amusing in a odd way. Oh well. So anyway I was working with Courtney and Emmanuel that night, which also happened to be Emmanuel "Manny"'s last shift, peace out home skillet! So all in all Saturday night, although being a long 8 hour shift was a real good night for me, watched some good movies, listened to some good/great cd's and had good conversations and company. Around 11:45 Sarah came in with a delicious treat. One of those cups of pudding and whipped cream and crushed oreo's on top with gummy worms in it, only this one didn't have gummy comment.....sarah....... but thanks for the treat!!! Also I decided you can make me a delicious carrot cake for my birthday. So yes, we get out of work and since Courtney missed out on Denny's the night before because her oh so legit Corolla couldn't drive in the snow we decided it was only right to go again with her so Sarah, Courtney, Dirty, James-on, Stephen, Megan and myself went for some dinner. I was smarter this time to not get the Meat Lover's Trio so I just got some blueberry pancakes without syrup because syrup is GROSS!!!! Two nights, two Denny's trips, now that is patriotic! I then got home from Denny's and got to talk to Miss Rich for a little bit which was a nice little reunion over the phone. Today, Sunday, I woke up and got ready for church, it was the Bishop's "That's Just the Way it is" talk. I'll tell you all later. Once church got out we all rushed home to see the Colt's and Saint's win! Finally a game goes the way I wanted it to this post-season, now lets just hope Drew Bree's and the boys and keep it up going into the Super Bowl in a fort's night. I then drove on over the Brett's place, for some free dinner. Steak, potatoes, corn and Dr. Pepper! Wow. That's all I need to say. Wow. Yummy yummy in my tummy. We decided to throw in Whip It and see if it was any good. Surprisingly I was quite entertained, much better than I was expecting it to be. After that Sarah, Brett and I started planning the Murder Mystery dinner that will for sure go down next week. Nothing like blowing the dust off a game from 1993 and finally getting a first time use out of it. Haha, it should be pretty great. Well guys, that was my weekend, a rather fantastic weekend if I do say so myself. No complaints and no regrets. I've got to admit it's getting better, it's getting better, all the time! (Thank you Beatles). So yeah, I am now just counting down the hours until I head up to Salt Lake to watch my boy Steve Nash do work on the Jazz! Come on SUNS!!!

Night everyone! Come back next time for another installment of my life, your entertainment.

~Bracken Rawlings

P.S. Thanks for the talk and I am here for another one anytime!

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